
Saturday, April 13, 2013


I will be the first to admit that I am arrogant, cold and un-friendly. I am this way to "photographers" at weddings I photograph. The couple is not paying me to tell you how to do what I do. I am being paid to take pictures they are going to look at for the rest of their lives. So please, leave me alone and let me work.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of photographing Dan and Nicky. A refreshingly funny, cute and adorable couple. I fell in love with them within minutes of our consultation. They were very down to earth, very excited about getting married and just wanted me to do what I do best. Since I liked them so much it was important to me to do a great job.

That job became threatened the minute I got to the ceremony. There was another man, who turned out to be a family friend, that started asking me questions about what I was doing for them. The catholic ceremony had started. I was rushing to the top of the church to get a shot of the guests. He was right behind me talking shop. I gave him quick, one-worded answers. I didn't look at him and I didn't stop moving. He asked me if I was giving them my disk after the wedding. I balked. I answered with a half hysterical half appalled "NO". That shut him up until the reception.

Once at the reception I was working frantically to get the lighting right. It was my worst nightmare. An extremely dark reception area. With vaulted ceilings. My stand by bounce lighting strategy was out. So there I am, in a corner, trying to focus and get the lighting right. Up behind me comes Mr. Nosey. He says to me "Well if you aren't giving them the disk do you have some sort of package deal you are giving them?". By this time I am super frustrated. I say yes. I tell him they hired me and they are getting a package deal. He then does the weirdest thing to me. He looks at me in hysterics and asks "Well what am I supposed to do with my pictures?". I flat out did not know how to respond. I fumbled over my words but finally got out I didn't care what he did with his pictures and to give them what he wanted to give them. I then turned back around and went back to shooting. He left me alone after that.

I always tell couples at consultations that I will be aggressive with other photographers. I will get in their way. I will refuse to move when asked. I will fight for the perfect shot. I was sort of thankful for this experience. I now have a better story to tell future couples about why I am so adamant about getting good pictures for them. My previous story was about a Mother of the Bride who was video taping and wanted me to move. I always thought it made me sound too rude. This one is better. Even though this gentleman wasn't interfering with me getting my shots he was interfering with me taking my shots. He was also fishing for information that I thought was confidential between my clients and I. It reminded me of Patient and Doctor confidentiality. I did not want to discuss with him the terms and price of the package we agreed on. I knew he was headed there and I had to cut him off.

So in conclusion let it be known that you do not interfere with a working photographer. As you photograph an event don't feel pressured to talk shop with the up and comers. There will always be someone in the crowd that wants your job. Do not let this intimidate you and above all, do not let this interfere with doing a great job.

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